Before asking for help, check out the frequently asked questions. You may find an answer there!

Help keep Chibibap up and running with donations!

View a list of all commands.

Frequently Asked Questions

After my long, unexpected, break I am looking into bringing Chibibap back. I am making all necessary changes to Chibibap to meet Discord's new bot requirements and utilize new features (updated 1/2/22).

I can't invite Chibibap to my server.
Have you tried another invite? If not, try inviting
Chibibap from here. Check your permissions. Do you have permission to invite bots to this server? Did you invite Chibibap to the wrong server? Check the other servers you have perms in.

Chibibap is not responding.
If Chibibap is offline, join the support server and ask there. Check permissions. Is Chibibap allowed to send messages? Did you use the right prefix? Chibibap's prefix was recently changed to ~.


Help keep Chibibap up and running with donations! When you donate, you receive a donator role in the support server and a custom (private) command. DM me (gecko#2790) for more info!

